
10/11/2024 - First sounds of demolition - the new Lukowski lab space is coming March 2025!

09/27/2024 - Welcome Lisa to the Lukowski and Paul Jensen labs!

09/23/2024 - Lucas joins the team!

08/30/2024 - Cedrick departs to start a new job at Epic Science!

08/01/2024 - Welcome Dr. Benisch!

07/29/2024 – Johnny joins the lab!

07/08/2024 – Veronica joins the lab!

07/02/2024 – Setting up the first halogenase reactions in the lab with Anna and special guest Dr. Byeol Ryu

06/14/2024 – Cedrick graduates with his B.S. in Marine Biology! We’re so proud!

06/11/2024 – Anna is appointed to the Molecular Biophysics Training Grant! Go Anna!

02/23/2024 – Cedrick joins the lab!

01/04/2024 – Anna joins the lab!